Wednesday, November 2, 2011

"When life is at it's darkest, it is also the most hopeful." [Bill Strickland]

Katie! Friends make me joyful. 

Dear Dad- Today is your birthday! That would make you what, 42 with all of your unbirthdays? I have a distinct memory of Katessa opening a giant tub of cheese balls on one of your unbirthdays that we must have celebrated at G&G's. I miss this tradition. Dear Snappy Casual- Thank you for responding to my comment with a post! I was so excited to be mentioned in your blog, I feel famous! Also, snaps to you for coming up with so many great ways I can wear my sweaters, once LSN is over of course. Dear Stress- I am still learning how to let you ebb away without me clinging on to you. I need to remember to breathe, focus, and let things work out the way they may.

P.S. I feed off of human interaction. I struggle to feel cheerful, upbeat, and enthusiastic when I spend too much time alone. Almost every day I spend three or so hours on lower campus, not seeing a single one of my friends. I spend time in the library, walking around, or napping, and often, stress, tiredness, and boredom flood over me during these hours. Although I know that there is value to spending time alone and getting refreshed that way, I am an extravert at heart; I get so much of my energy from spending time connecting with other people.

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