Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Today has just been such a full day of joy. I don't even know how to describe it. This has been a crazy week for sure and I know that God stands firm throughout all of the highs and lows. I feel like I am entangled in a fascinatingly mysterious adventure. I think some people just call it "life."
I am in love with the contrasting brightness and gloominess that is fall.
This is currently my favorite picture. Luke wanted to capture the man fishing in the background. 
"I think I wasn't looking." "No, you're good." aaaand neither of us were. #notsurprising
This is not-so-slowly becoming my favorite place on campus. 

Dear Dad- Sometimes I wonder what would happen if you were here and saw my life today. Sometimes the day-to-day makes me feel like I'm not changing at all. But then days like today open my eyes to who I really am, where I've come from, and how crazy of a journey it has been. I do wish you could be a part of it sometimes. Dear Mistakes- Lately, you've been coming in the form of missing assignments, forgetting dates with friends, and oversleeping more than anyone ever should. Thank goodness my friends are gracious and forgiving, my grades aren't the most important thing, and I have been getting much needed sleep time. Dear Noon Lunch- Today, you included authentic egg rolls, getting bacon chai with my two vegetarian friends (I don't get it either), catching up with Trenten, Molly playing with my hair, and Amy asking me to give my testimony in front of a few hundred people. #herewego #usingmygifts #imightpuke Dear Fellow Bloggers- I cannot tell you how pumped I am to have you joining me (or have me discover you) on the interwebs. Can anyone say COMMUNITY!? It's like I've just recently learned that the internet can be used to connect with people and I am fascinated. So Alexi, Rachel, Ariel, and Coral, get ready, because this girl is going to be following you like there's no homework to be done! (Also, what is this weebly business and how did I miss the memo? I'm so old school...) Dear Luke John- Thanks for loving surprises, going on spontaneous adventures, dressing in your fall best, and being honest. I couldn't ask for more than a man who makes me origami hearts and gives me his gloves when my hands are cold (this is always). I appreciate you. 

P.S. They have coffee ice cream and toffee crunch ice cream in the caf today. It's like they knew that Wednesdays are my ice cream days!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

[Over the Weekend]

I am thankful...
...for six hour road trips to Iowa with my best friend.
...for Molly Bray. 
...for mornings spent in coffee shops with lace curtains and old doors, catching up over breakfast sandwiches and coffee.
...for tours around new campuses with new friends who inspire me to live a Spirit-led life.
...for cozy coffee shops with chai tea, board games, laughter, and phone calls.
...for a dear friend and the chances we've gotten to see each other over the last three years.
...for a weekend that has restored my soul and my ability to laugh and love freely. 
...for authentic delis, glass soda bottles that carry more memories than drops of liquid, and for a boyfriend who is willing to share his lamb with his vegetarian girlfriend.
...for a small venue that held one big show.
...for music that pumped up the body and the soul.
...for drums, dancing, and a night with my friend and partner-in-crime. 

Highlights include: chatting nonstop for six hours in the car with Molly, hugging all of my Iowa friends again, eating Mu Shoo again, meeting Justin and Andy and getting to have real conversations about ministry, Jesus, and rest, playing bowls and four on a couch, delicious coffee to wake me up both mornings, a sermon that spoke to what I am learning, a home-cooked community meal, listening to a sermon that amazed me and grew me, meeting more of the people that are important in Luke's life, seeing twenty-one pilots perform live, drinking McDonald's sweet tea, and declaring that Jesus is Lord and that his name has power. He has overcome. He has won. We are free. 

Thursday, October 3, 2013


215 Bible Study, learning to put the most important above the less important since 2013 #greatness

Dear Dad- The other night I watched one of your favorite movies. I miss going to the theaters and splitting popcorn and cherry pepsi with you. Our dates were some of my favorite nights. Dear 215 Bible Study- I'm starting to really like this group. You guys ask really good questions, challenge me to learn more, and encourage me in the way your faith is growing. Plus, you guys like crafts, so you're all good in my book. #marthastewart Dear 2-6am Shift- You make me super hungry and you get less and less productive every week. But sometimes, I wake up at 1:37am and it is raining outside and I have an email with whale pictures and it is a good day to be awake. Dear Luke- Your encouragement and thoughtfulness astound me, as do your baking and dish washing skills. We should make not-pies more often. #oatmealhands #grandmasapron

P.S. I've been munching on this quote lately and I think I will continue to for a while. I don't plan on understanding it anytime soon. I recognize and accept that it is a process... it is ALL a process. 

“Our lives are mostly small with a few peaks, but even the peaks seem smaller as the years go by. God’s way is to lead us into faithfulness in little. It’s the steady culmination of these faithful, small deeds that makes our lives dynamic and great. It comes down to loving the people right in front of you, serving when no one is looking, remaining loyal to the truth and maintaining a perpetual dialogue with God through His word. Really, all the hype is just that, hype…. But once you you grasp the simplicity of reality, it’s glorious.” -Misty Edwards


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