Wednesday, November 9, 2011

"Letter writing is the only device for combining solitude with good company." [Lord Byron]

My Poli Sci studying set up.
Dear Dad- Today I just want some of your jambalaya and cornbread. It is the perfect fall/winter meal. Dear Mailbox- Today you were stuffed full of awesomeness! Two letters from my dear friends, an NRHH certificate, AND a delicious treat. I even had the time to reply to one of the letters as well as an older letter I got last week! Dear Studying- Sometimes I feel like I forget who you are, and then the next day I spend allll day with my nose stuck in a book or scribbling notes down on paper. This is a vicious cycle. I can't wait until this weekend when I don't have to worry about this exam anymore!

P.S. My ABSOLUTE FAVORITE part of LSN so far is the correspondence. I have been emailing two people regularly, and writing a bit more than a letter each week via snail mail. It feels so good to open up an email or a letter and just read what is going on in my friends' lives and to be able to sit down and take a good half hour, or however long it takes, to respond and focus solely on them.

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