Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Life Intelligence

Sometimes I worry that my intelligence is decreasing. Or that I'm not learning enough. I expected that I'd go to college and come back speaking french, quoting philosophers, discussing novels, and citing the dates and artists of certain paintings. Okay, so these were obviously not realistic expectations in the least, but I still sometimes fret that I haven't learned anything in college. The more I think about it though, the more I realize that I am learning so many valuable life skills. Although life skills can't be outwardly flaunted or admired, I still think they are important, and I need to consider them when I think about what I've learned in college. So, with that in mind, here's a list I've started about things I've "learned" in college.

I have learned...
...how to live on less and live without spending unnecessarily. 
...how to talk to a professor. 
...how to go to an event where I don't know anyone. 
...how to enjoy working.
...how to keep up long-distance relationships.
...the importance of getting my "extrovert" time. 
...to fail. 
...that it is okay to cry and cry often
...that it is okay to just relax and have fun, school is not everything
...to trust in God in all things. [1. 2. 3. 4.]

Humanity High: [In place of P.S. I am going to be doing Humanity High for a while. This is basically where I write something that I see that gives me hope for humanity, because I tend to overlook the good in people, which is something I want to change.]
Today at work, there was a woman in the water fitness class who just went out of her way to put everyone else first. When she found out there was a deaf woman in the class, she restated all of the directions so the woman could read her lips and know what exercise to do next. This incredibly selfless woman also took the time to put away everyone's noodles and get them all water weights (all 20 people!) I was just inspired by this woman's altruism in an every-man-for-himself society. 

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