Thursday, December 1, 2011

Live Simply November: A Recap

I did it! Yesterday was my last official day of "Live Simply November." The month went surprisingly fast, though there were times I just wanted it to be December! Although there have been times I have "cheated" and I didn't accomplish everything on my list, I would never count this as a failure. I gained so much through this experience and I'm excited to share what I learned. 

[I will be going pretty much in order of my original post, so you can follow along with that if you want.]

-Read my bible daily
I didn't do it every single day, but I did read my bible more than 75% of the month, which was definitely an increase for me. This was the single greatest part of Live Simply November without a doubt. I grew so much closer to God, I learned a lot, and my prayer time became more intentional. I would do everything again just for this one reward.
-Blog/write daily As you can tell I did not blog every single day, but I can say that I wrote at least once a day. Through blogging, journaling, writing my prayers, and just jotting down thoughts either in my art notebook or on my phone, I was writing a lot this month.
-Read through Walden by Thoreau Sadly, I did not accomplish this goal. I did start to read it, but I just couldn't find the time to fit this and all the time I wanted with God every night. I don't regret this at all, I know I will get through Walden again sometime, and I know my time with God was much more important.
-Write 1 letter/week This ended up being one of my favorite parts of LSN, I loved writing and recieving mail from those who chose to write back. There is nothing more satisfying than sealing, stamping, and sending mail.

-No texting Pros: I appreciated not having my phone attatched to my side 24/7 and constantly looking to see if I got a text message. I also LOVED the phone conversations I had, I feel that a lot of my relationships actually grew this month. Cons: It's really inconvient to have to call people about logistical things, or having to wait until after I get out of class/meetings to communicate with people.
-No ipod At times I wondered why I even chose to do this. I am glad I did though, I was able to discover a liking for country music, I proved to myself that it is possible to live without my ipod, and I got to eavesdrop on some interesting conversations. I am happy to have my stress-relieving, joy-enducing music back though.
-No TV Easy. I did want to watch Friends while I was at home though, and I was only allowed to if my friends wanted to.
-No movies, except in social situations Not an issue in the least.
-No beauty products I was so worried about not wearing make up, but I got used to it within a week or so. It helped that a lot of people said they didn't even notice. Also, it turns out I don't actually need hair product, conditioner works just fine.
-No spending This one was a bit tough, especially when I was home and really needed something. I did end up spending a bit of money, but it was all on gifts, so I think that's just fine.
-30 Items of clothing Laundry was such a snap! Last night I put all of my clothes back to their normal homes, and I was shocked at how extensive my wardrobe is. Even after dumping one paper bag full of clothes earlier this month, I went through and dumped one more bag. Why do I need all of these clothes?
-Computer use for: homeworkemailbloggingbank accountsUWEC accounts only  I did end up using google and youtube occasionally, but I never went on facebook or pandora which I'm pretty proud of. I'm going to check my facebook tomorrow night with Bitty by my side, so she can watch me try to untangle the mess she left there.
-Only one of the following: waterbottle, washcloth, towel, hand towel, spoon, bowl, fork, travel mug Dishes were easy. I don't know why I have so many dishes... I don't even cook. 

So that was my logistical analysis of how this month went. This change in lifestyle really taught me much more than just that I like my ipod and I don't actually like facebook(whoa, revolutionary, right?). I would say that this month I learned...
...How to prioritize. This is the first time in my life that I have spent more time with God than getting ready in the morning.
...God has amazing power and strength and he is my refuge. 
...How to be more intentional/productive with my time, especially when distractions are eliminated.
...That I don't need beauty products to be considered beautiful.
...I have so much "stuff" when others have none. I just want to sell everything I own and give it to starving children. I know that's unrealistic, but I'm going to try to get as close to that as I can.
...20 minutes of worship beat out listening to a Bon Iver, The Avett Brothers, or Mumford album any day.
...I don't mind being physically attached to my cell phone, but I need to make sure I'm not emotionally attached. Texting is convenient, but it's not the way to grow a relationship. 
...Friends are amazing, and they really prove their character when they put up with you not texting, freaking out about not wearing make up, and planning their lives(and budgets!) around the fact that you can't spend money. 

And with that, I end with a humongous thank you. Thank you for all of the encouraging words, texts, emails, letters, and phone calls. I treasure the fact that I have such amazing people in my life who backed me the whole way on this crazy journey. Thank you all!

"A friend is one with whom you are comfortable, to whom you are loyal, through whom you are blessed, and for whom you are grateful." [William Arthur Ward]

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