"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight." [Benjamin Franklin]
It has come to my attention, that I haven't blogged in a while. I would say this was because I was studying for my AP exams, but that would be only partially true. The other half of the time I've spent out like a teenager, doing nothing and somehow, doing so much.
Dear Dad- It's so easy to get angry about the unfairness of our loss, but I have to remember how blessed I've been through it all, and how I continue to be blessed. I don't miss you any less, but I know that anger can so easily shroud the joy you would want in my life. Dear Weekend With All Your Crazies- I can honestly say this is the first time in a month I've been able to just go out and actually have fun. From 4 way rock-paper-scissors, to dancing to Pokemon, to eating more bananas than I thought I could, to longboarding in the rain, it has definitely been a weekend to remember. Dear Trees- I know that you've had a really hard year, but KEEP HOLDING ON! I'm still counting on you for beautiful spring blossoms and green leafy goodness this summer. (And if you ever get down, just remember, you're my favorites!) Dear Couple Protecting My Car- I know that Finn and Gabe look like homeless hooligans (especially with their skateboards) but seriously, they wouldn't rob a car and just take a camera that's worth less than $100. I understand you were trying to be helpful, but for future reference, please don't call the police on my friends. Dear AP Psych Test- I would just like to say that I am RELIEVED to have you over with. Its like my brain is sprinkled with happiness every time I remember that I NEVER have to WORRY about you AGAIN!
P.S. The best piece of advice I've received, and continue to receive, is "Don't Worry." Yes apathy can be destructive, but there is a difference between caring about something and worrying about it. I know that I spend more time worrying about tests than I do studying for them sometimes. Think back to something you worried about a month ago, a week ago, three days ago: does it matter anymore? Chances are it doesn't. So stop worrying, and start LIVING. Its the most liberating thing one can do.
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