Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Dear Dad- I miss your big booming laugh and how your eyes would squint and your face would turn red when you were really laughing. Dear 7-Year-Old at the Y- Thank you for making my day. I smiled at your response when you asked me if I was both a lifeguard and a swim instructor. "Wow, You're amazing!" Yet another reason why kids are AWESOME! Dear Harmony Cafe Walnut Burger- You are so delicious I had to come back for another today. This is the first time in 4 months I've had a hearty "burger." Your sprouts, cheese, and warm ciabatta bread make this the best sandwich ever.

P.S. I have been thinking a lot about breakups lately, and its starting to make me kind of bitter. There is no such thing as a good breakup. If you break up with someone right away, its a surprise, but if you gradually distance yourself, its dragging them along. Being surrounded by so many breakups really makes me not want to date right now. It also makes me really glad that I never dated in high school, it just feels like unnecessary heartbreak. Another thing I've learned is to really trust the words of more experienced people, parents, family friends, older siblings, teachers, etc. They have been through this and they know the best way to handle it. Even if it seems like their advice is way off, its probably best to take it, because they will most likely be right in the end. 

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