Tuesday, March 6, 2012

"Softly the evening came. The sun from the western horizon, like a magician extended his golden wand o'er the landscape; twinkling vapors arose; and sky and water and forest, seemed all on fire at the touch, and melted and mingled together." [Henry Wadsworth Longfellow]

PrettyPrettyPretty! Such a wonderful 50 degree March day! 

Vegan Ramen! Best discovery EVER!

Dear Dad- I really missed you this weekend when I went home. Sometimes I still find myself thinking it's unfair that you're gone, but I must keep reminding myself of how blessed I am to have had a dad for 18 years. Dear Green Bean Worker- (I really must find out your first name.) Thank you for calling me dear, reminding me that it's "almost Friday" and giving me a discount on my vegan ramen because I'm sick. You are the definition of making the most out of life. Dear People at the Caf- Yes I realize that my face is beet red, I am sweaty, and I look ridiculous in these running tights with this shirt. But I ran four miles today, so I think I deserve a peanut butter english muffin and some chocolate milk. 

P.S. I find it interesting that we use our "labels" as excuses or as covers in life. Being a "college student" is a prime example. "It's okay that I get four hours of sleep a night...I'm a college student!" "I am going to drink until I puke...but it's fine, I'm in college!" (okay, maybe this one is more for freshmen) "I find it socially acceptable to fall asleep anywhere on campus, because I am a college student." (totally guilty of this one) "I can eat dessert for every meal, I'm in college!" (and we get all-access, so why not?) As humorous as this is, it also holds some scary truths. How often do we hide behind the socially acceptable "norms" of our labels and not live up to the standards that we could be reaching?

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