Monday, May 6, 2013

[Over the Weekend]

I am grateful...

for safe and relaxing last-minute rides home.
for friends that I am excited to see join together in marriage.
for mothers who take the time to go shopping for and sew on extra fabric when you found the perfect bridesmaids dress that just...isn't...quite...long...enough.
for homecooked omelets... real food
for long-awaited sunshine and warmth...
that's actually sticking around this time.
for awkward pictures of me running...
But actually for my mom, Lexie, Trenten, and Luke, who made awesome signs, drove around all morning chasing me, and screamed encouragement until they lost their voices.
for even more awkward pictures of me running in my too big spandex.
And for kicking my time goal in the keister. [final time - 2:11:24]
Also, for being called a running champion. 

Highlights include: being cared for by Justin, resting Friday morning, a breakfast double date, that awkward moment at noodles, a car conversation with Jesus, worshiping at Jacob's Well with mom and Luke, Panera sandwiches, games of cards and Monopoly, vulnerable conversations, Ben deciding to run the half, going to Altoona family restaurant with Ben, Luke and my mom, baking an apple pie, going on a walk with Sam Ham, and ending by spending time with some of my favorite people. 

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