Thursday, August 11, 2011


Stupid ear infection.

A quick recap of the day-
Matt getting his job!
Having enough money to buy gas
Lemon cupcakes with raspberry frosting
Watching Keeping Up with the Kardashians and eating leftover pizza from Cannova's
Biking to and from work
Having a longish car ride to catch up with my dear Mara
Going to a wonderfully hilarious bonfire filled with ice cream, stories, and the fun game of putting nylons over people's faces...
Tori pulling into the wrong driveway and then backing up while Jamie was getting out of the car... busted an ab or two there.
Listening to Cody Simpson on the car ride home

Having no coffee when I woke up
Mother having the flu
My dang ear infection that hurts sooo badly
Lara LITERALLY falling off the face of the earth
Listening to Cody Simpson on the car ride home

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