Whatta fella. He totally participated in Flannel Friday before it was cool. #hipster
Dear Dad- The admiration I have for you is inexplicable. I am so glad that I get to claim you as my dad. Dear Anxiety- Today you were replaced by an unexpected lightness and fullness of spirit. I think this was because of the Holy Spirit working in me and showing me the need to have a real conversation and make an actual connection for the first time in the week. I feel so blessed. Dear Homework- It is Friday and you are all done for the weekend. I guess that is what happens when I work a five-hour front desk shift. #miraclesdohappen. Dear Weekend- You are filled with sleep, four dates with people I don't normally spend time with, photos of my favorites (to be posted soon!), good runs, and good eats at the goat. Couldn't be more thankful for this weekend after the crazy week I've had.
P.S. Sometimes I don't understand the way that God is teaching me or revealing himself to me at all. I am constantly thinking "What the heck? Why are you doing this now God? This has nothing to do with anything and I DON'T GET IT!" But you know what? Our God is not a God that can be manipulated for our understanding. He is working and he is teaching me, even if I don't understand it. It is so good.